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Policies approved by the PAC Board of Directors (May 20, 2019)


1. Administrative Procedures

1.1 Executive Officers Meetings

Notice of meeting of the Executive Officers (see Appendix A) will be emailed a minimum of five (5) days prior to meeting date and include a simple agenda for the meeting, date, time and place of the meeting. Minutes of the meeting will include a listing of members and guests in attendance and recommended action to be presented to the Board of Directors. When approved, the minutes will be distributed to the members of the Board of Directors via email.

1.2 Board of Directors Meetings

Notice of meeting of the Board of Directors will be emailed a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the meeting date and include an agenda (see Appendix B), date, time and place of the meeting. A draft of the minutes of the previous meeting(s) to be approved at the current meeting is to be included with the meeting notice. A log of Executive Officers and Director attendees (see Appendix D) will be kept by the Secretary. Minutes of the meeting will include director attendees, quorum report and action taken on the proposed agenda items (and/or items added thereto). Copies of approved minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors will be forwarded by the Secretary to the Web-site Manager for inclusion therein.

1.3 General Membership Meetings

Notice of meeting of the General Membership will be emailed a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the meeting date and include an agenda (see Appendix C), date, time and place of the meeting. A draft of the minutes of the previous meeting(s) to be approved at the current meeting is to be included with the meeting notice. Minutes of the meeting shall include action taken by the membership on the proposed agenda items (and/or items added thereto). The Annual General Membership Meeting in November of each year requires a thirty (30) day notice of meeting. Copies of approved minutes of meetings of the General Membership will be forwarded by the Secretary to the Web-site Manager for inclusion therein. (CCG&Rs section 4.1.A)

1.4 Shared Interest Group Supervisor

The PAC Vice-President shall supervise the activities of the Shared Interest Groups (SIG) through each Group Representative and ensure that an election of officers of each group is held annually. SIG groups need to submit their date requirements for next year by May 1st. See also Appendix D.

1.5 Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee will establish a list of candidates for election by matching office responsibility with the capability of the candidate. A member of the nominating committee is

eligible to run for office. See also Section 10 and Appendix E. Absentee voting is not permitted. (CCG&Rs section 4.1)

1.6 Membership List

The updated membership list for the current year is due to the Board of Directors and the Activities Department by March 15th. (CCG&Rs section 3.1.B)

2. Shows

2.1 Casting for PAC Productions

All participants for roles in PAC productions must be selected by Production Director(s) based upon fair and objective auditions. If a particular role cannot be filled by a PAC member, following a due-diligence effort to identify such a person, it can be filled by a non-member with proper approval of the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis. The cast member must join PAC upon being cast.

2.2 Future Show Consideration

Prospective Directors should submit show plans to the Production Support Committee (PSC) for the following year by May 1st using the approved form in order to be considered for a future show. This form includes a show synopsis, proposed cost of production, and list of key production roles for Major Shows only. See also Section 2.5.

2.3 Show Director(s)/Choreographer(s) Conflict

Any Director or Choreographer of a show cannot be cast to play a major role in his/her own show unless there is an assistant appointed to handle their duties when the Director or Choreographer is not available to perform his/her duties.

2.4 Budget for Minor or Major Show

The budget for a Minor or Major Show must be presented with the Production Support Committee (PSC) form or at the first meeting with the PSC after form submission.

2.5 PAC Support of Major and Minor Productions/Events

PAC supports at most two (2) Major Productions per year, two (2) Choraliers Shows per year, Karaoke as scheduled, as well as Readers Theatre and other to-be-scheduled one- or two-night events. (CCG&Rs section 5.1.F)

2.6 Length of a Major Show

A major show should be no more than two (2) hours in length (ideally about 90 min). If the length of a major show is more than two (2) hours, an intermission is required.

2.7 Show Producer

Each major show should have a Producer to monitor show progress, length, and budget.

2.8 Usher Requirements

The number of Ushers per show night should be eight (8) or less, and one (1) Head Usher for a maximum of nine (9).

3. Costumes

3.1 Costume Support

The PAC will provide no subsidies or storage for personal costumes, but may provide subsidies and storage for selected costumes, props, and accessories. PAC does support costume rentals when necessary and is to be included in the production budget.

3.2 Purchasing of Costumes

No actor is authorized to purchase costumes at the show’s expense without approval of the Director.

4. Tickets

4.1 Tickets Sales

Ticket sales will commence 90 days before show opening via the Arts People electronic ticketing service at,, or at the Activities Department in Anthem Center. This applies to residents and non-residents alike. The Box Office in Independence Center will open one (1) hour before show time.

4.2 Ticket Sales Accountability

Revenue from ticket sales via the Arts People electronic ticketing service and the box office must be reconciled by a 3rd party after each ticket selling event.

4.3 Comp Tickets

‘Comp’ tickets are not to be provided to anyone. The show director can buy tickets for anyone and present them as ‘Comps’ to our guests. The purchase of these tickets must follow the procedure of regular ticket sales. Two (2) free tickets are to be made available as a door prize for the Newcomer’s Meeting and for any event to be designated by and approved by the Executive Board.

5. Communication and Advertising

5.1 Scheduling and Communication

All scheduling and/or communication with the Association must go through the PAC President or designated person. (CCG&Rs section 4.10)

5.2 Weekly Events Schedule

The weekly Events Schedule (eBlast) will include only PAC events, announcements, and schedules, as well as entertainment events supported by PAC members. The Events Schedule will be distributed via email to all PAC members and then appear on the PAC website in a timely manner.

5.3 Timely Advertising Announcements

All PAC timely announcements for Spirit publication, SCA-TV, posters, TV monitor announcements, SCA-HOA website, etc. must go through the Publicity Committee.
Announcements are due to the Publicity Committee for the Spirit by the 20th of each month (1.5-month lead time). Each Spirit article should include upcoming events and website address. Also, use of photos is encouraged.

Posters and TV announcements cannot be displayed earlier than 8 weeks before the first performance or as directed by the Activities Department. The display on the PAC bulletin board next to the ticket booth is under Activities Department control. (CCG&Rs section 5.2.D.1)

Advertising fliers for the public can be posted 6 weeks prior to the event. (CCG&Rs section 5.2.D.4)

6. Post Show

6.1 Complimentary DVDs for Production Participants

The PAC will provide a DVD of the production to all participants at no charge. Any additional DVD, if available, will be available at current cost.

6.2 Production (Cast) Party and Afterglow (Meet and Greet) Budgets

PAC will contribute a maximum of $1000 towards the Production (Cast) Party and/or Afterglow (Meet and Greet) expense at $20 per cast member. Guests and spouses shall pay full price of the meal. Having a Production Party and/or Afterglow is at the discretion of the Show Director and is not counted against the Show Budget.

6.3 Production (Cast) Party

The Production Party will include all show participants in any capacity such as actors, stagehands, ticket sellers, makeup, dressers, ushers, and tech staff.

6.4 Monetary Awards

A monetary award to directors and accompanists is traditional and shall be suggested by the SIG representative and approved by the executive board.

7. Theatre Procedures

7.1 Selling of Wheelchair Spaces

PAC cannot sell Wheelchair Spaces to an able-bodied person by putting a chair in the wheelchair space.

7.2 Usher Empowerment

The Head Usher is empowered to ensure that the audience is not bothered by distractions from babies, small children, or anyone else causing a disturbance. A printout with names for each assigned seat will be provided to the Head Usher along with a list of refunds.

8. Technical Crew

8.1 Determination of Technical Crew for a Minor or Major Show

It is the Director’s responsibility, along with the leaders for light, sound, and stage to assemble the Technical Crew for a Minor or Major Show.

8.2 Training of the Technical Crew

The existing Technical Crew will function as trainers for new volunteers.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 Non-PAC Functions

Requests for stage support by individuals for non-PAC functions are not honored by PAC, but PAC members are free to participate in these functions at their own discretion.

9.2 Lending Equipment

Lending of PAC equipment to individual PAC members for non-PAC functions or to non-PAC members of the association is restricted to props only (valued at less than $100).

9.3 November General Meeting

The November General Meeting is to include the annual election of officers as well as awarding of the Barry Friedman Award. It will also include light refreshments (expenditure up

to $1000). The executive board may also present a Lifetime Achievement Award to a person with long standing service to the club.

9.4 Barry Friedman Award

This award will be presented to a PAC member for distinguished service to the Performing Arts Club. Any PAC member in good standing may nominate a member for the award to the Executive Officers. The Executive Officers must receive all nominations no later than September first of the current year, and the Executive Officers will make the final selection. A donation from Alan Friedman on behalf of his father, Barry Friedman, in the amount of $500 will be given to the charity chosen by the Award Recipient. Each donation will be given on an annual basis for 10 years beginning 2011 through 2020 unless the amount is changed, or the award terminated by the donor.

9.5 Dance Groups

PAC Dance Groups are Shared Interest Groups and as such are subject to all PAC guest policies as outlined in the PAC By-Laws. The dance groups and their mission are as follows.

9.5.1 The mission of the Desert Divas Dance Company is to encourage PAC members to learn and perform dance of various styles, with emphasis on international styles, for the enjoyment of the Group and audiences through performances as part of PAC productions and non-PAC activities.

9.5.2 The Anthem Jazz Dancers is a performing dance ensemble within the Performing Arts Club. Our Choreographer/Instructor has 3 Gold Certifications from the America Council on Exercise, has danced professionally, and has taught dance technique for over 40 years. Our class includes a dynamic warmup of the muscles required to execute ballet, jazz and contemporary dance movements. We build our dance modules with step-by-step instructions insuring proper dance technique. Then we put all the step modules together to complete a choreographer dance routine. This class is an hour and a half mind and body movement experience for fun and exercise. And if you want the challenge of performing at Performing Arts Club productions and at many Las Vegas venues come and join the Anthem Jazz Dancers!

9.5.3 The Mission of Showstoppers dance company is to encourage PAC members to learn and perform dances of various styles, with emphasis on show tunes and Broadway music, for the enjoyment of the group and audiences through performances as part of PAC productions and non-PAC activities.

9.5.4 Tap is an intermediate level class combining traditional, hoofer and new age styles.

9.6 Taxes

Taxes not paid on a purchase at the time of payment must be paid to the Association in the month that it was made. There is a spreadsheet available from SCA finance department for computing and recording the sales and use taxes. (CCG&Rs section 6.1.A.15)

10. Election of Officers

Only members in good standing can be accepted for election by the Nominating Committee. Also, only members in good standing can be nominated from the floor prior to voting at the Annual General Membership Meeting. All officers are responsible to the Performing Arts Club Bylaws and Approved Policies. All candidates should have a background of Club activities, demonstrate a commitment to the organization, have leadership skills, and work in an appropriate manner to represent the Club within and outside of the organization.


Executive Officers Notice of Meeting, Agenda and Minutes Format

To: Executive Officers (and Invited Guests) From: President Subject: Notice of Executive Officer’s Meeting an Executive Officers meeting will be held (Day) (Month/Date) (Time) (Place)
Agenda of meeting as follows:

I. Call meeting to order
II. Introduction of Invited guests
III. Subjects for consideration
IV. List each subject to be discussed

Minutes of the Executive Officers meeting recommendations are to be provided to the Members of the Board of Directors and will not be recorded on the clubs website.


Board of Directors Meeting Agenda and Minutes Format

Board of Directors Meeting Meeting Date
A G E N D A/Minutes of Meeting

I. Call meeting to order
II. Quorum Present (1/2 of members attending, plus 1)
III. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) (1)
IV. Reports of Officers:

A. President’s report
B. Vice-President’s report
C. Treasurer’s report
D. Secretary’s report

V. Reports from Shared Interest Groups
VI. Reports from Support Functions
VII. Unfinished/Old Business and General Orders
VIII. New Business
IX. Adjournment

a. Draft of Minutes to be approved attached and posted to the club’s website.


General Membership Meeting Agenda and Minutes Format

General Membership Meeting Meeting Date
A G E N D A/Minutes of Meeting

I. Call meeting to order
II. Quorum (the number of members attending, general figure or sign-in sheet)
III. Reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting (1)
IV. Treasurer’s Report
V. President’s report
VI. Unfinished/Old Business and General Orders
VII. New Business
VIII. Adjournment

a. Draft of Minutes to be approved attached and posted to the club’s website.


Board of Directors Attendance Log Format

Attendance Log
Board of Director’s Meeting – Meeting Date Executive Officers
Vice President

Shared Interest Groups Representative
Anthem Community Players (AP)
Anthem Jazz (AJ)
Desert Divas Dance Company (DDDC)
Showstoppers Dance Company (SDC)
Millennium Chorus Group (MCG) (currently inactive)
Readers’ Theater (RT)
The Musicians Guild (TMG)
Production Support Committee (PSC)
Sound Manager
Lights Manager
Stage Manager


Sample Ballot Format and Election Committee Procedures

— Insert Sample Ballot —

Election of Officers
1. A chairperson will be appointed by a Board Officer.
2. The chairperson will select members for the committee.
3. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss potential candidates.
4. Announcements will be attached to weekly newsletters asking for candidate recommendations.
5. At least 30 days prior to the scheduled Annual Meeting in November of each year, a Ballot will be created to include all vetted candidates.
6. At least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, candidates on the ballot will be announced via emailed weekly newsletter.
7. At the Election Meeting, if there is more than one candidate for any office and /or nominations from the floor (see 9. below) result in more than one candidate for any office, ballots will be handed out to all members in good standing.
8. Duties of each officer will be read from current policy.
9. Nominations from the floor will be invited. If a nominee is recommended and is willing to run for that specific office, members who wish to vote for that nominee may write in that candidate’s name.
10. Ballots are to be collected and will be counted by selected tabulators.
11. Election results will be announced before adjournment.
12. Counted ballots will be retained until elected officers are installed in January.