Hi! I am writing this between the morning and evening rehearsal for "Charlie Sees the Light." The entire cast and crew is working hard to put together this creative, fun and funny show. Stay tuned for updates!
In the next week or so, you will be receiving some more Newsletters with important information. Please stay tuned and take time to read them.
Right now, just a few reminders of events that are quickly coming up.
The first is that "The Last Ride" band, part of the PAC Musicians' Guild, will be representing our Club and performing on the North Lawn on Friday evening, September 27 at 8PM. This concert wraps up the SCA Summer Series. Come out to enjoy some great Rock n' roll!
The Reader's Playhouse production, "Hold the Onions!" is coming soon. Please support your PAC friends and buy some tickets for the show on October 9 at 4:30 in the Independence Center atrium. A mere $5 gets you laughs and pizza. There's no better bargain around! Go on the PAC website or stroll down to the Activities office to get your tickets.
Just a reminder, Storytelling will not meet on October 2, but will resume on November 6.
That's it for now. As always, please reach out to me with any questions or if your SIG has some news to share!